Friday, March 20, 2009

try this !

it actually works :D

try this !

it actually works :D

golden state !

today was one of thee best days i've had this week. hahah.
when i got home from rehersals yesterday, i felt really sick. i couldn't even sing that much during rehersals. so i check my temperature and it happened to be 100 point something. so i took some tylenol and took a little nap. i couldn't sleep last night at all. maybe i've had about only 3-4 hours of sleep. but good thing i feel alot better when i got up the next day. so i set my alarm for 4:00, but i woke up at 5:00 -____- goody. i only had about 45 minutes to get ready, i guess that was enough. so i rushed to the bathroom, took a shower, dressed up in sweats, blow dried my hair, straightened it, got all my things ready, packing my make up and deodorant and socks and jewelry and mirror and alot more. so my dad takes me to school, it was 5:45 am. holy cow, the fog was so thick, we couldn't see any lights ahead of us. it seriously felt like i wasn't on earth or something. it felt weird and freaky. hahaha. i got to school and just stayed till everyone arrived, then we loaded the bussss. i sat next to gelene this time, cause i sat next to kristen last time. we had bravo burger for breakfast. what sucks is that we couldn't eat meat cause it was a friday, so we got the breakfast burrito with no meat. tasteless, sorta. haha. soooo san diego was 2 hours away, i'm surprised i didn't sleep at all. me and gelene were just taking pictures of nicole solis sleeping. HAHAHA. then i saw a plate mark that said 4FKN something something. hahahhaaha. for f*king. hahaha. yeahh.
so we got to westview highschool, and their school was soo pretty, some people thought it was a college. haha. indoor school, clean, automatic sinks, and they actually have soap. hahaha. so womens ensemble sang 9th out of 11. we did so good. ave maria goes out to mina haddad. we love you girl ! so after ALL those hard work we put into these pieces, and that 10-hour practice.. our name was called. THIRD OUT OF FIVE PLACES. hell yeah !!!!!!! right when they called our name, we just jumped up and screamed our asses off. we were even louder than whoever got called for 2nd place. hahah. so we went up to sing one of our songs again, and roddy chose to do ave maria, which we dedicated to mina. right when roddy said that, we just started tearing up. we could see roddy tearing up while he was conducting us. i am so proud of everyone in womens, we did it guys ! if we got 3rd in golden state, we're gonna get gold in NY FOR SURE. big thanks to vocal and mens for being there when we got back to ayala's choir room. those banners and cheers mean alot to us. then we had thai bbq :D
gah, i gtg play with my baby sister. i'll tell more next time (:
cause there's more !

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

whoa whoaaaa

i just realized i haven't been updating, haha.
things are heating up, cause women's golden state is in like.. TWO FREAKING DAYS. yeah, that's right. we're gonna be competing at san diego this coming friday the 20th. wish us luck ! PRAY FOR OUR NAME TO BE CALLED. doesn't matter if it isn't first. i doubt it. hahah. we're so lucky that roddy gave us the required piece really early. so we got to work on it longer. damn, our new york tour is a week from TODAY. i can't believe it. this is the first time i'm gonna be away from home, alone, for a whole week. i'm pretty nervous, hahah. i started packing. so far i have half of my stuffs packed and it's 20 lbs, i think that's pretty good. the max is 5o, and i'm gonna try to keep it 40. i just can't wait for the times square shopping. i really hope i get enough pocket money. i won't eat that much. hahaha. i'll be getting my sadies shirts in NY, so no one else is gonna have the same outfit as us :D. gah, i also gotta get my sisters some pasalubongs. and IF i have enough money, then i'll buy a couple of key chains for some of my friends. ah, might as well just not eat and save my money. hahah. MY SISTER STILL OWES ME 10 DOLLARS. muhahaha. right now, i have 40. i used to have 100, but then i used it for sadies planning and tickets. so i gotta save for my shirt, and picturesssss. i already know who's group i'm with. i'm just worried about the rides for now. but i think i already reserved someone. hahaha.

now playing : simple things - usher.

" it's the simple things in life we forget.
you hear her talking but don't hear what she says.
why do you make some things so easy so complicated.
searching for what's right in front of your face
but you can't see it. "

FUUUUUDGEEEEE. i wanna runnnn. i need a running buddy. someone who won't leave me. hahaha. i've been wanting to go running, but i don't want to go alone. i need to get in shape. gahd. i hate running, but i love the feeling after. it feels, good. knowing that you've accomplished something. i wish i woke up early everyday. early enough to go for a run, at least a quick one. i miss rice, i forgot what it tastes like. but i actually feel good without rice. i feel a LITTLE more confident about myself, but not really. my goal : run.


Friday, March 6, 2009


today was amazing (: hahaha.
everything went by so good and i loved it.
so today, i asked someone to sadies. alot of people were watching, i didn't even know them. hahaha. i was nervous the whole day. but hey, he said yes (:
thenn after school i went to startbucks with alexis (helga). hahaha. thank you alexisssss. then went to bath and body works to go wash our hands. after that, she dropped my off back at school cause i have an ASL show later on. i met up with my other friend, and we both had to go pee. unfortunately, the bathroom doors at school were locked. WTF MAN. hahaha, so good thing she can drive. we went to the shoppes (cleaner bathroom) just to go pee. hahahha. we yelled at cars to get out of our ways cause we really had to go. after that great successfull adventure, we went back to school. the asl showcase went by great, i can't wait for next year's (:
tomorrow, i have a car wash to go to for choir, then to a party (: