Friday, May 1, 2009

sofa king irritating

it's been soo damn irritating here at home.
chores, babysitting, chores, babysitting, blah blah blah.
i am so tired of hearing my name every damn minute.
"pia get this, pia do that"
i love having a baby sister and all, but it's so hard. i have to clean up after all her shit. she always comes in and messes up my fucking room. and some people don't even care to stop her. she always takes the books from my bookshelf and brings it downstairs. so i have to get it and put it all back. i know she's just a baby, but come on. sometimes, i miss those times when i didn't have to babysit every single fucking day. i would be able to go out with friends more often. if i do go out, they always tell me to not be out too late, or to go home early, and other shit like that.
what the fuck, why am i so fucking annoyed and irritated today.
my day seemed fine, then in went downhill afterschool. "FML" is getting too overrated. i think people are over reacting. you can't just say "fuck your life". no matter what happens, you gotta be thankful you actually have a life. but i understand how some people feel when they say that. i feel the same damn thing too sometimes. for now, i'm not content with half of my life. life with friends is amazing, as always. but on the other hand, life at home is a little rough. i love my family, but at times, they're the reason why i'm like this. i feel so fucking dead right now. i don't even want to hear anyone at home say my name. i want to sleep, but i can't. cause my mom isn't here. my dad is already sleeping, and so is my grandpa. my older sister is out, somewhere. lucky her, she gets to go out this late. it's only me, my grandma, and my sister that are awake. and i can't just leave my grandma alone with my baby sister. so i gotta wait till she fucking falls asleep. i hate this, a really do. but i guess i gotta keep doing this, cause it's my job.
g'damn. i wish i can fucking drive. that's number one on my list. i'm so tired of not being able to go to places just because i don't have a fucking ride. sometimes, i don't wanna ask my parents for a ride because for some reason, they get pissed. plus, they're always at work. really, what's keeping me happy right now are my bestfriends. they always know how to keep me happy. but that doesn't mean my family isn't making me happy. they are. just sometimes, they tend to make me unhappy. i hate this.
my nose keeps itching and i just wanna cut it off.
my fingertips hurt because i've been playing the guitar all afternoon.
my eyes hurt because i need more sleep.
i wish i can sleep in untill 11 or something, but i doubt that's gonna happen. they usually/always wake me up by 9:00. and that's when the whole daily routine at home starts.
wake up, go to the bathroom, go downstairs, eat (sometimes), do chores, babysit.

try being in my shoes, you'll just love it -______-.

1 comment:

Brandon Ho said...

awww pia =[
don't worry, you should know that i can relate lol..
people don't take the time to put themselves in your shoes, and they always go "oh how come you can't do this and that" blahblahblah.
it's fucking annoying.
but don't worry! at least you get to be in school for a majority of the day, and that's where all your friends are -cough 5th period-
:D so be happy !