Thursday, November 27, 2008


happy thanksgiving to all !

Sunday, November 23, 2008

mad work day

i had fun. haha.
i stayed the whole day. yes, 12 hours. we should get extra credit.
i felt so dirty at the end of the day because i was on the ground or on the stage, laying down, painting.
i didn't get my panera, which i was craving for while.
so, i got a shizload of homework to do ! i finished my chemistry, history, and asl homework.
now all i have left is my math homework, and my english homework. math is fine, we got an easy chapter. but english, i think it'll take me forever to finish tomorrow [or later...] i have to figure out the plot, settings, characters, and etc.. of the crucible and the scarlet letter. then i send that to my good friend, anne :D, then i'm gonna go on groupfusion and print out the lame grammar packet. then i'm gonna do my vocabulary chart, and study them too. and lastly, i'm gonna finish 96 questions on the scarlet letter. now, doesn't that sound so fun ? HECK NO. i hate that class. there's no way i'm gonna finish all those tomorrow. unless i wake up in the morning, but i don't want to cause i'm already tired from today. maybe i'll start my math homework right now. ugh.
oh well. excluding all the stress my classes are giving me, my friends makes my junior year better and better.


Monday, November 17, 2008

via sister's laptop

so today is sunday, and i had a great day. yeesssss.
church was awesome ! retreat people came back. i stood in the back with jeff jeff agustin, lawrence ner, and alex viernes. it's pretty fun with them. we had random tickle fights, i don't know why. then alex and lawrence started saying some pretty lame jokes and pickup lines. lawrence getting hot and taking off half of his jeans to make it shorts. jeff jeff singing with his super low bass voice. then the three of them started talking about these girls they saw at the shoppes earlier. now they're checking them out cause they were at church too. then i saw alot of people, as always. cause 5:00 is the teen mass.
then after church, we went back home. i went upstairs and finished some of my homework. then jon calls me and asks if he can come over to do his homework here cause his computer isn't working ! bahaha.
i go online and find out that WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW. cvusd is closed due to bad air quality or something. hahah. then i go on aim, and i have a video chat with jeff jeff ! in have no idea how long we talked.
jon left around 10:30 ish ? then my baby sister talks to jeff jeff, who was still on video chat. i have no idea why but she was acting really weird and hyper. i guess that's how she is when she's talking to my friends on the phone or online. she's always shy when she meets them in person. weird baby. but gotta love her (:
it's past twelve and i got off of the chat about 15 minutes ago maybe ? haha.
you all should get a webcam. i wanna try 6-way ! video chats are fun. especially when i'm using my sister's laptop. i had to give her coins so i could use it for the night. daanggg.

sooo everyone is pretty much staying up and sleeping in tomorrow.
i'm gonna laugh is someone shows up in school tomorrow. hahha.
fun fun weekend. i loved it.

WE festival this thursday !
i'm excited. i get to miss a day of school. but that means there's make up work the next day. ughh -___-.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


i have a good view of the fire from my backyard, but i'm not near it.
i'm really worried that it might get closer, and especially about my friends who live up in the canyon.
i texted and called them to see if they were okay.
this is intense. and random, too. because it's been cold in chino hills lately.
but all of a sudden, a fire pops up. a big one.
i was watching the news this morning. and there were several houses that were on fire. i feel bad for the owners. those were big houses too.
the firefighters are doing a good job on trying to lessen the fire, even though it really won't stop spreading.
i checked out a map of the fire and it's bigger than what it looks like.
what i see from my backyard is not only the smoke from the fire, but i actually see some of the fire itself.
they're also using ayala highschool as a shelter for people who had to evacuate.
i really hope those people are safe, and so are their houses.
i hope this hill in front of my house stays green, and not orange/yellow like the ones in the news.
god, please help us and watch over those people in danger.

Monday, November 10, 2008

feels good

it feels good helping people out with their problems. giving them advice and telling them what they did wrong and what they need to do to fix whatever happened. telling them cheesy lines about life, but it's true anyways.
it feels good talking to your close friends that you haven't talked to in a while because they're halfway around the world. telling them how your life is and asking them about theirs.
it feels good knowing that your friends are doing fine, and nothing it bothering them at the moment.
it feels good when you know your friends have your back no matter what. especially when there's "drama" going on.
it feels good to meet new people and see how fun they really are in the inside, even though you thought they looked mean in the outside.
it feels good when you get along with everyone in your family and don't argue for a day straight.
it feels good when you've done all your homework ahead of time, so you have more time to rest and hang out with your friends.
it feels good to laugh so hard that you're literally crying and you can barely breathe and talk at all.
it feels good when you know everything is allright.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


i haven't watched that show in a long time. but it's on right now and of course, i'm watching it.
it's past 12 am and i'm close to getting really sleepy.

so i've been keeping my eye on a certain car. dream car ? possibly. hahah.
it's a toyota prius. i like it because it doens't look like any other cars. the flat back makes it look different.
i want a red or a white one with tinted windows (: bahahah.

so today, i went to the shoppes with my dad and two sisters.
then we went to the california noodle place to eat. they have the best food, i always order the same thing.
charbroiled beef with fried rice (: yummm. my baby sister ate alot of their combination fried rice. haha.
then we went to boba loca after cause i wanted a taro slush and sister wanted cookies and cream.
so far, today was pretty fun.

tomorrow, or right now, is sunday.
gotta be at church by 3 cause i'm singing in choir.
then we don't have school on monday and tuesday. but i have sectionals to go to on monday, then right afer that i go to a group project at the park. i wanna hang out with my friends on tuesday but i have a group project at that day too. but hopefully it doesn't take the whole day.

hmm, music video of if i were a boy by beyonce is playing right now.
hahah soo lame. she acts as a cop then she pushed the bad guy in the car. then the other cop checks out her ass.
beyonce's got at amazing voice though.
i need to catch up on degrassi. maybe i should get the full season dvd cause i missed alot of episodes.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


im not even lying. is mother nature PMSing right now ?
danggg. this kind of weather change is making everyone sick.

i want a small couch in my room. or a bench to put next to my window.
i've always wanted to have a window seat. i don't know why.i just think it looks cool.
and i want to know what it feels like to just sit there and stare outside your window.
it helps people think.if only we didn't have that tree on our front yard, i would have a good view of city lights if you look out my window, to the right.
and if you go out to my backyard, and stand on this one thing, you'll see a great view of the beautiful city lights.
i wish my parents had a patio on the second floor.
i'd be out there all night.
i've always dreamed of living in a house with floor to ceiling windows that had a good view of the ocean.

i want to know what it's like to live like that.
i want to be able to smell the ocean as soon as i step outside the house.
i want to feel the cold breeze we all get when we go to the beach.
i want to walk barefoot on the sand next to the seashore, preferrably with a boy (:
i want to just watch the beach at night, and hear the whales, and dolphins, and seaguls, and the waves crashing against the rocks.
i want to look up and be able to see more than 10 shining stars.
i want to just sit out there and watch the sun set.
i want to be waken up by the morning sunshine, not by an alarm clock.

there's so many things in life that i want to try out.
i'll make those my mission.
i want to accomplish those missions before i die.
i'm talking serious.

oh, life.

Monday, November 3, 2008

cold day

i really liked today's weather. it was really relaxing, and gloomy. it made me really sleepy.
but i can't sleep in my classes. that would be great, but i don't want to.
i gotta stay awake and pay attention. i WANT a's and b's. ugh, too bad i have a C+ in chemistry.
i'm trying my best to keep up and do all the possible extra credits given to us.
i'm glad i actually have a B in math. i've had bad grades in math ever since i had mrs. bridge in 8th grade.
gahd, she was a pain in the butt. she had an annoying bell, and she had that stupid easy button.
then i had mr. brown my freshman AND sophomore year. holy smokes.
he's a cool teacher, but he's not a very good one. he always told us stories. over and over and over. i always thought they were a lie. just listen to it, and you'll understand why. haha.

SO today, cold day. i'm glad i wore my favorite green sweater pullover (:
i heard it's gonna rain tomorrow. should i wear my boots ? i haven't worn those in a while.
gah, i have a busy schedule now, especially choir. but hey, im not complaining.
it's a commitment i'm gonna take.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

hot damnnn.

hmm long time no post.
hahah. i've been reaaaaallly busy.
school's a pain, but oh well.
that's how it is.
junior year. what a challenge.

i got alot of songs to learn and memorize.
we have part-testing tomorrow on good christian men, rejoice.
i love that song. very catchy (:

soo anyways.

my weekend was bleh.
friday :-hallowwwweeennnn.
-erika's debut :D
-sleepover at bestfriend's.

saturday :
-good food at best friend's.
-went home and started studying.
-started my math hw.
-started my ssr journalS.
-cousin michael came over and had a saw night.
-skipped saw 2 cause the dvd was being retarted.
-skipped saw 3 cause they didn't have the dvd.
-did my journals while i watched, and i managed to get 5 journals done.

sunday :
-finished 5 more journals.
-watched saw 4, while doing hw.
-started the book report. 6 pages, helll yeah. haha.
-went to church.
-family came over to visit after church.
-asked my dad for help on my essay.
-started on it. then ideas started pouring out.
-finally finished.. just right now.
-sent it to my teacher.. before midnight. wooo.

now i am TIRED.
daylight savings time, i thank you.

yes, you'll see a portion of this post on my myspace bulletins. hahah.