Saturday, February 14, 2009

happy love day

psh. who needs a valentine ?

so i just realized i haven't posted a blog in a while.
february 12, was when choir went to disneyland ! i haven't been there in a loooooooooong time and i miss it !
well anyways, i had a lot of fun. my group was desiree, jenna, jerald, kristen, and nicole. just thinking about that night made me crave some churros and clam chowder bread bowl, gaaaaaaaaaaash.i just want to go back to that night. even for that one 5-minute moment that made me MORE happy. so now that disneyland is over, next up is our choir concert on the 27th ! come watch us. after that, womens ensemble has a festival at san diego ;D on march 20th. then on marth 25-31 is our tour to new york ! i heard we were gonna go on a little cruise, and it's gonna be FREEZING. just thinking about it gave me goosebumps and cold fingers. im really excited, even though i have a fear or planes. idk why, but i hated it when it was windy and the plane was shaking. ugh. SO after new york is.. sadies (: i have so much things to save up for. but im for sure saving up for this dance. i'm sorta excited, but at the same time nervous, scared, worried. blah. idk, there are moments when i just doubt myself. i think i know for sure who to ask, but i just don't know sometimes. this is what i hate about being a girl, damn.

happy valentines day...

1 comment:

alexis saladbanana said...

so disneyland looks fun.
it seems you guys were after amelia earhart.
screw them,
she doesn't exist anymore!