Saturday, January 10, 2009

first post of 2009 ?

wow, i just realized i haven't posted anything since the new years.
now i am, and i'm gonna write about my previous days/week of school.

coming back from winter vacation, which was only two weeks, school felt slooooowwwww. the semester is ending in two weeks, so that means teachers would be ready to pile loads of work on us. i still gotta memorize the rest of my soliloquy AND find the hamlet dvd so i can learn how to sing it. IF i sing it, i'll get extra credit. and i NEED extra credit in my english class, damn. im starting to like math more than english now. i get really nervous in the class and i feel like throwing up. i don't like public speaking. im not that kind of person. im not comfortable enough to argue on those debates. or those stupid socratic seminar. or the graded discussions. it's fucking bullshit. I HATE ENGLISH MORE THAN MATH now. thanks to my junior year, especially my damn teacher.
chemistry is going fine. i have a B, and that's pretty good. especially being in an honors class. so im glad. but the thing is that our original teacher is back, after being gone almost the whole semester and having 8 subs. she's pretty boring. that class used to be fun, especially when ms. haynes came. but now that stevens is back, it's alllllll quiet and boring. when i look around the class, everyone is just staring at her, with no expression at all. some are talking, but the fun is between those people, not with the teacher -___-.
choir is going great. we're finally starting to sound great on tota pulchra es, meaning we'll sweep those other choirs off of the stage in golden state ;D we're receiving more song pieces now because there's alot ahead of us. there's disneyland, new york, and alot more concerts. i'm happy because roddy decided to pick two songs from the philippines. pretty hard and catchy, but i like it.
sign language. my teacher just told me that our song, letters from war, which i signed with alyssa and vivian, is gonna be in the asl variety show. i'm kinda happy because that means we did good in our song. i checked gradealert and it said i got 100%. woo.
algebra twooo, is going okay. i'm understanding it. like what i said about english, im starting to like math more than english. my math teacher is weird, but the class is funny. all they do is make fun of the teacher and the teacher gets uncomfortable and paranoid. hahaha. the best part about that class is i get to spend it with brandon ho. together we fail, or pass. we always fool around, and at the same time help each other out. i'm glad we're in the same class. without him, i'd die in math.
us history, as usual, we never do anything in this class. we've never talked about the book. i guess we just have to study and teach ourselves. all we do is talk about random stuffs and it'll just keep going and going untill the class ends. i guess that's fine. i'm doing pretty good in this class too. i think i have an A, so woo.

2009 is going by okay ish so far.
i'll see.
expect the unexpected...

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