Thursday, May 21, 2009

choir auditions

harana - akafellas

after practicing 98409824305820 songs, i finally decided at the last minute to just sing a song in tagalog. hahahaha.
i was about to pee my pants, walking in the practice room where the auditions were held.

but, i got it.

oh, and.. false alarm. that wasn't a callback.
it was just a paper talking about payments.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


i am so confused...

Monday, May 4, 2009

UGH choirrrrrrrr

i have noo idea what song i should try out for D:

so far, my choices areeeee :

my everything - randolph permejo & cathy nguyen
kiss me - sixpence none the richer

any suggestionsss ?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

brandon ho


"chut up" is MINE.

you take that, i KILL you.


so i'm taking my SATs this june. that means i gotta start studying. i should've done that waay earlier, but i got lazy and i forgot about it. hahaha. so today, i asked my dad if he can get me the latest SAT practice book thing. so hopefully we'll go to barnes & noble today.

so i cleaned my room yesterday, and found alot of interesting things.
i found this horoscope thing my history teacher from last year gave me.
it's pretty damn true.

leo: personality:
your outlook on life is generally very positive and happy(yesssss), and any depression about setbacks won't last long. you live every minute to the fullest and won't waste time in useless recriminations or regrets.
you're a splendid organizer. you're very good at energizing others, and when you manage to be tactful, they'll be glad to follow your lead. your enthusiasm is your best and most useful asset.

leo: love & sex life :
when leos fall in love, they really fall. leo heart is often bruised and sometimes broken-- and it takes leos longer to heal than some other sun signs.
you're naturally very faithful, but you do ask a lot of your partners. you may feel shortchanged if your desires aren't met, and the atmosphere can turn a little sour. you may make the mistake of expecting too much (hell yeah). you certainly need a responsive partner who canmath your enthusiasm in every area of a partnership.

i love these things.

so toooday, i woke up around 10 ish. i remember my mom waking me up around 8. hahahah.
so i had bacon and eggs for breakfast (: yummm. then me, my mom, and my dad were working on our backyard. it was pretty fun. i think the tan on my arm is even now. hahaha. so we were out there for a pretty long time. then my dad took the hose so he can wash his hands and feet. i was raking the grass and my mom was playing with my baby sister at the window. hahaha. thennnnnn my dad started to wet us -___-. the water was cold, but it felt good. so later onnn, i asked my dad if i can borrow the hose so i can wash my hands. then when my dad handed it to me, my mom gave me look to wet my dad, and so i did. hahahah. we had a bonding time. i wish we do that every sunday. pretty fun (:

day started off good.
let's see how it ends.

music stuck in my head :
kiss me - sixpence none the richer

maybe i'll sing that for choir auditions...

Friday, May 1, 2009

sofa king irritating

it's been soo damn irritating here at home.
chores, babysitting, chores, babysitting, blah blah blah.
i am so tired of hearing my name every damn minute.
"pia get this, pia do that"
i love having a baby sister and all, but it's so hard. i have to clean up after all her shit. she always comes in and messes up my fucking room. and some people don't even care to stop her. she always takes the books from my bookshelf and brings it downstairs. so i have to get it and put it all back. i know she's just a baby, but come on. sometimes, i miss those times when i didn't have to babysit every single fucking day. i would be able to go out with friends more often. if i do go out, they always tell me to not be out too late, or to go home early, and other shit like that.
what the fuck, why am i so fucking annoyed and irritated today.
my day seemed fine, then in went downhill afterschool. "FML" is getting too overrated. i think people are over reacting. you can't just say "fuck your life". no matter what happens, you gotta be thankful you actually have a life. but i understand how some people feel when they say that. i feel the same damn thing too sometimes. for now, i'm not content with half of my life. life with friends is amazing, as always. but on the other hand, life at home is a little rough. i love my family, but at times, they're the reason why i'm like this. i feel so fucking dead right now. i don't even want to hear anyone at home say my name. i want to sleep, but i can't. cause my mom isn't here. my dad is already sleeping, and so is my grandpa. my older sister is out, somewhere. lucky her, she gets to go out this late. it's only me, my grandma, and my sister that are awake. and i can't just leave my grandma alone with my baby sister. so i gotta wait till she fucking falls asleep. i hate this, a really do. but i guess i gotta keep doing this, cause it's my job.
g'damn. i wish i can fucking drive. that's number one on my list. i'm so tired of not being able to go to places just because i don't have a fucking ride. sometimes, i don't wanna ask my parents for a ride because for some reason, they get pissed. plus, they're always at work. really, what's keeping me happy right now are my bestfriends. they always know how to keep me happy. but that doesn't mean my family isn't making me happy. they are. just sometimes, they tend to make me unhappy. i hate this.
my nose keeps itching and i just wanna cut it off.
my fingertips hurt because i've been playing the guitar all afternoon.
my eyes hurt because i need more sleep.
i wish i can sleep in untill 11 or something, but i doubt that's gonna happen. they usually/always wake me up by 9:00. and that's when the whole daily routine at home starts.
wake up, go to the bathroom, go downstairs, eat (sometimes), do chores, babysit.

try being in my shoes, you'll just love it -______-.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

guys should read this

50 things most guys dont know about girls :

1. Girls hate it when guys say perverted things.
2. Girls like to be told that they're beautiful, rather than hot, pretty, cute, or sexy. It just gives more meaning.
3. Girls love to feel special, even though they might not show it.
4. Girls talk about EVERYTHING with their girlfriends. So that means, you're possibly 90% of their conversation. And believe me, trash talking takes up most of it, unless you're a Greek god, which you're not.
5. When girls are online, they want the guy to instant message them first, and they literally burn up inside when they're not messaged. Of course, when they are messaged, they play it all cool and go "oh, hey" as if they just discovered your message.
6. Girls have a thing for guys who dress GQ.
7. Girls love it when guys are over 6 feet.
8. Girls find it awfully attractive when guys wear just a white t-shirt and jeans and yet they happen to look awesome in it.
9. Remember. Sense of humor. GIRLS LOVE GUYS WHO CAN MAKE THEM LAUGH.
10. Girls hate guys with bad hygiene. So put on that deodorant and clip those nails!
11. Girls love guys who know how to dance.
12. Girls love it when a guy pulls them close by the waist.
13. Girls go crazy when a guy smells good.
14. Girls hate cocky guys.
15. Usually, when a girl is sarcastically mean to you, it means they're attracted to you, but are afraid that they'll be showing too much.
16. A kiss on the hand with the right timing can be a REAL TURN-ON.
17. Girls have a thing for guys who sport blazers with a destroyed tee underneath.
18. Girls have a thing for guys who have messy sex hair.
19. Some girls can think about their crushes for 18+ hours straight. No exaggeration.
20. When a guy says something really sentimental, girls will remember it forever.
21. The smallest gestures, the smallest stares, and the smallest statements could make a girl's year. No joke.
22. Girls get embarassed easily, even if guys don't know what the hell just happened.
23. Girls daydream about their crushes. Like getting married, going on dates, kissing, etc. They just don't show it.
24. Girls HATE players.
25. Guys who can sing are a major turn on.
26. Guitarists are sexy.
27. When a girl is upset and wants you to listen, she wants you to listen. Don't give her advice unless she asks for it.
28. When a girl is crying, she feels a lot safer if you pull her close and tell her that everything is going to be alright.
29. Girls love it when guys say their name.
30. Girls don't like short tempered guys.
31. Sometimes girls just wish that guys would notice when they get a new haircut or if they're wearing eyeliner.
32. When a girl calls you her loser or her dork, it usually means she's attracted to you.
33. Girls find it a lot more romantic if you just fall asleep with them holding them with your arms rather than having a night of hot kinky sex.
34. Girls will never say I love you unless you say it first. But that doesn't mean she doesn't want to scream it from the top of her lungs.
35. Girls love confidence.
36. Girls don't like rock-hard guys. They like to know that guys can have a sensitive side too.
37. There comes a time when girls have needs too. Enough said.
38. A girl will cry over you a lot more than you think.
39. A girl's wounds can last awhile. And when I say awhile, I mean awhile.
40. Girls hate guys who smell bad.
41. When a girl cooks for you, you know you mean a lot to her.
42. Girls don't like it when you think other women are hot and say it so.
43. Eyeliner is a girl's essential product. Don't ever try to take it away from her.
44. Girls hate it, absolutely HATE IT when guys don't keep their promises. It throws them over the top.
45. Every girl fantasizes about her wedding. Her dress, her flowers, her shoes, her hair. More than you think.
46. Girls hate it when other girls flirt. Yet they flirt themselves too. Ah, the beauty of irony.
47. Girls will save instant message conversations when they like a guy.
48. A phone call, a text message, or a single Hershey's kiss will mean A LOT MORE than a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates on her birthday.
49. Every girl think she's pretty in one way or another. They just won't admit it.
50. Girls are VERY SELF-CONSCIOUS when it comes to their looks. No makeup is a very sensitive topic to them.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


i didn't do anything todayyyyyyyy.

but hey ! i finished learning ch 17 of chemistry and i understand it !
now all i have to do is re-read the sample problems and just take quick notes that i can study before taking the test. i'm happy that i'm finally done learning this. i've been worried all spring break. the only thing i gotta worry about right now is ch 15 of math (which will be taught to me tomorrow/later on by brandon ho at either the library or barnes) and chem's lab #8. hahaha. and i think that's pretty much all i have to do before school starts again. i don't want to lose my B in math, and especially my A in chem. so i'm working my butt offf trying to learn all these things i missed and getting ready for the tests i missed. shoooooooot, bring it on. hahaha.

so i just took a shower, and that means im pretty much awake.
i guess i'll go on myspace and look around.
surveys ? HAHAHAH. i need a life (:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

spring break

spring break has been good so farrrr (:

monday : me and alexis ran / jogged. then we decided to go visit jon. turns out we ruined his little "hibernation" thing, and he was wearing a plain white shirt ! hahaha. so we just chilled in his house for a while. his mom gave us water (: thennn she took us home ! she's so nice (: so when i got home, alexis got dressed outside where people can see her, but good thing no one was there. but i still covered her with my jacket. i don't know why she didn't just go inside my garage.. which was open. hahaha. so after she leaves, i go inside and rest a little more. later on, me, sister, and mom went to harkins to watch a mooooovie. we watched the race to witch mountain. HAHAHHA. after that, i asked my mom if we can go to forever 21 cause i need new clothes. i got two tops and sandals that were only 7.50 ! sha-danggg, good deal. after that, my sister wanted to go to yogurtland. that place is good. they have better mochi than joghurt :D soooo we went home to pick up my grandparents and my baby sister, and went to thai bbq to eat. now that lent is over, i can eat rice again ! but i won't eat that much. haha. SOO i ordered my all time favorite, which was S3-rama shrimp (: and thai iced tea, which is i guess my favorite drink now. hahah. so after that yummy dinner, we went back home to drop off my sisters and grandma, then me and my mom dropped off my grandpa at my cousin's house cause he has to babysit him this week. after dropping him off, mom wanted to stop my tj max to look at stuffs. thennn i ask her if we can buy shampoo, cause i needed some. so we went to target after. turns out i got more than shampoo. i got some jeans and bra. HAHAHAH yesssss ! i like their bras. don't hate (: thennnn we went home. woo !

tuesday : ran with alexis againnnnnnnn. then later on, she picks me up cause we were gonna hang out with allysonnnnnnn ! i miss her. so we pick her up and went to theeee shoppesss. we just caught up with each other, looked around, went to momo tree, sanrio, h&m, vans, thennnnnnn got some tacos at pacific fish grill.. i think that's what it's called. hahaha. TACO TUESDAYYYYY. yesss. THEN we decided we wanted to go to click. i've never been there, and i live right next to it -___-. so we went to click, and just went to one booth cause we didn't have much money and we didn't have much time left. so we had alot of fun, took pictures next to the colorful walls with holes ;D fun day !

wednesday : alexis went to LA today soooooooo we didn't get to run it run it. didn't really do anything. i was actually supposed to start homework, but i didn't D: i gotta start soon. me and brandon are planning a study day this friday or saturday. he's teaching me a chapter of math that i missed during tour. and i'm teaching him the section he missed when he was absent that one time.. hahhaaha. so hopefully we get things done, cause i need it. i'm taking that chapter test when we get back from break. speaking of tests, i have A LOT of those to make up when we get back. chemistry benchmark test, chemistry chapter test, math chapter test, history chapter test. HOLY POOOOOPSICLE. damn. and i have to do the stupid final lab report, but i can't cause i don't even know how to do the calculations. i still have to learn that chapter first. maybe i can ask brandon to tutor me on that too (: ugh, soo much. but i really hope i get it done. so hopefully we meet up friday, so i have saturday and sunday to do the rest of what i'm gonna learn. hahaa. wiishhhhh me luckkkkkkkk.

now playing:
photographs and memories
jason reeves
myspace profile music

Sunday, April 5, 2009

i just realized

that i haven't "blogged" since new york.
so i'll try to sum things upppppppp.
and i'm not even joking (:

YESTERDAY was satruday, ayala highschool's sadie hawkins dance.
theme was pirates, and people loved it.
girl came in wearing short skirts, low shirts, small shirts, you knowww.
HA. got some guys grinding up on guys, pretty awkward.
i had a blast, though.
the beginning of the day wasn't very nice at all, but ugh oh well.
so nikki picks me up and we go to gelene's nice big house. we just chilled in her bedroom. she curled nikki's hair and i straightened gelene's sister's hair. later on, gelene's dad takes us to jeff's house, which smells goood. i wanted to count how many scented candles they have ;D hahahaha. so we waited for derek, aileen, and justin. when everyone was there, jeff's mom took us to expose/x-pose ? haha. gelene getting excited and giving us a tour of her little hometown, no joke she kept going and going :D i love her. hahaha. had our little "shit talks" and "discussions" and finally arrived at expose/x-pose ? saw mostly ayala peeps there. soooo me and jeff were up first, and our pictures came out nice. except one of the pose were boring, so we didn't get that. hahaha. later on, nina and jerald arrives, and we become one big happy group (missing: gerry and jenna & her date) after expose/x-pose ?, we all squish in two cars and went to nicole 's casa. played videogames, some ate ice cream sandwiches, had little jam sessions, and then played around and took pictures with nicole's mac. it was pretty fun. next up, we finally went to dinner at shima's. seriously one of the best placed i've eaten at. by far one of my favorites. i just got california rolls. i've been eating sushi for, several days in a row. i know i gave up rice for lent, but this doesn't count. i pledged that i would give up rice, NOT sushi rice. there's a big difference ;D hahahah. so after that, we went to the dance and danced out night away. well actually, we didn't dance that much cause we took pictures and had some random girl draw a cartoon of us.

so far, that was a great night (:
but you know what night i'd really want to go back to ?
that dinner cruise in new york with an amazing view of city lights.
i don't care how cold it was, i just want to go back (:
i have a good reason why.


Friday, March 20, 2009

try this !

it actually works :D

try this !

it actually works :D

golden state !

today was one of thee best days i've had this week. hahah.
when i got home from rehersals yesterday, i felt really sick. i couldn't even sing that much during rehersals. so i check my temperature and it happened to be 100 point something. so i took some tylenol and took a little nap. i couldn't sleep last night at all. maybe i've had about only 3-4 hours of sleep. but good thing i feel alot better when i got up the next day. so i set my alarm for 4:00, but i woke up at 5:00 -____- goody. i only had about 45 minutes to get ready, i guess that was enough. so i rushed to the bathroom, took a shower, dressed up in sweats, blow dried my hair, straightened it, got all my things ready, packing my make up and deodorant and socks and jewelry and mirror and alot more. so my dad takes me to school, it was 5:45 am. holy cow, the fog was so thick, we couldn't see any lights ahead of us. it seriously felt like i wasn't on earth or something. it felt weird and freaky. hahaha. i got to school and just stayed till everyone arrived, then we loaded the bussss. i sat next to gelene this time, cause i sat next to kristen last time. we had bravo burger for breakfast. what sucks is that we couldn't eat meat cause it was a friday, so we got the breakfast burrito with no meat. tasteless, sorta. haha. soooo san diego was 2 hours away, i'm surprised i didn't sleep at all. me and gelene were just taking pictures of nicole solis sleeping. HAHAHA. then i saw a plate mark that said 4FKN something something. hahahhaaha. for f*king. hahaha. yeahh.
so we got to westview highschool, and their school was soo pretty, some people thought it was a college. haha. indoor school, clean, automatic sinks, and they actually have soap. hahaha. so womens ensemble sang 9th out of 11. we did so good. ave maria goes out to mina haddad. we love you girl ! so after ALL those hard work we put into these pieces, and that 10-hour practice.. our name was called. THIRD OUT OF FIVE PLACES. hell yeah !!!!!!! right when they called our name, we just jumped up and screamed our asses off. we were even louder than whoever got called for 2nd place. hahah. so we went up to sing one of our songs again, and roddy chose to do ave maria, which we dedicated to mina. right when roddy said that, we just started tearing up. we could see roddy tearing up while he was conducting us. i am so proud of everyone in womens, we did it guys ! if we got 3rd in golden state, we're gonna get gold in NY FOR SURE. big thanks to vocal and mens for being there when we got back to ayala's choir room. those banners and cheers mean alot to us. then we had thai bbq :D
gah, i gtg play with my baby sister. i'll tell more next time (:
cause there's more !

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

whoa whoaaaa

i just realized i haven't been updating, haha.
things are heating up, cause women's golden state is in like.. TWO FREAKING DAYS. yeah, that's right. we're gonna be competing at san diego this coming friday the 20th. wish us luck ! PRAY FOR OUR NAME TO BE CALLED. doesn't matter if it isn't first. i doubt it. hahah. we're so lucky that roddy gave us the required piece really early. so we got to work on it longer. damn, our new york tour is a week from TODAY. i can't believe it. this is the first time i'm gonna be away from home, alone, for a whole week. i'm pretty nervous, hahah. i started packing. so far i have half of my stuffs packed and it's 20 lbs, i think that's pretty good. the max is 5o, and i'm gonna try to keep it 40. i just can't wait for the times square shopping. i really hope i get enough pocket money. i won't eat that much. hahaha. i'll be getting my sadies shirts in NY, so no one else is gonna have the same outfit as us :D. gah, i also gotta get my sisters some pasalubongs. and IF i have enough money, then i'll buy a couple of key chains for some of my friends. ah, might as well just not eat and save my money. hahah. MY SISTER STILL OWES ME 10 DOLLARS. muhahaha. right now, i have 40. i used to have 100, but then i used it for sadies planning and tickets. so i gotta save for my shirt, and picturesssss. i already know who's group i'm with. i'm just worried about the rides for now. but i think i already reserved someone. hahaha.

now playing : simple things - usher.

" it's the simple things in life we forget.
you hear her talking but don't hear what she says.
why do you make some things so easy so complicated.
searching for what's right in front of your face
but you can't see it. "

FUUUUUDGEEEEE. i wanna runnnn. i need a running buddy. someone who won't leave me. hahaha. i've been wanting to go running, but i don't want to go alone. i need to get in shape. gahd. i hate running, but i love the feeling after. it feels, good. knowing that you've accomplished something. i wish i woke up early everyday. early enough to go for a run, at least a quick one. i miss rice, i forgot what it tastes like. but i actually feel good without rice. i feel a LITTLE more confident about myself, but not really. my goal : run.


Friday, March 6, 2009


today was amazing (: hahaha.
everything went by so good and i loved it.
so today, i asked someone to sadies. alot of people were watching, i didn't even know them. hahaha. i was nervous the whole day. but hey, he said yes (:
thenn after school i went to startbucks with alexis (helga). hahaha. thank you alexisssss. then went to bath and body works to go wash our hands. after that, she dropped my off back at school cause i have an ASL show later on. i met up with my other friend, and we both had to go pee. unfortunately, the bathroom doors at school were locked. WTF MAN. hahaha, so good thing she can drive. we went to the shoppes (cleaner bathroom) just to go pee. hahahha. we yelled at cars to get out of our ways cause we really had to go. after that great successfull adventure, we went back to school. the asl showcase went by great, i can't wait for next year's (:
tomorrow, i have a car wash to go to for choir, then to a party (:

Friday, February 20, 2009

i need to

stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth
stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth stop being a potty mouth (:

good day gone bad

so i was having a really good day today.
first period, we did nothing. we had a choice to either read silently or do homework silently. so i just talked. haha.
second period, we took a chemistry test. it was okay ish, but i didn't get to finish because the teacher always fucking talks before giving us the damn test.
third period, worked with tiffany and la flor. concert coming soon.
fourth period, worked on our songs. asl showcase coming soon.
lunch, FUCK THAT..
fifth, fucking ms. h. moved brandon ! im quiet now. ugh.
sixth, i asked my teacher if i could go and finish that damn chem test that i didn't finish, and he let me. so good.
after school, went recycling with alexis. got chipotle, ate it at panera, then went home.
then kristen picks me up and we go at watch the play. after the first act, during intermission, my friends decided to go get something to eat, and they said we would come back. but we ended up coming back 5 minutes before the show ends. that fucking pissed me off. i should've stayed cause act 2 was pretty much the most important part and i fucking missed it. i don't know why, i know it's just a play, but im just fucking pissed right now. i turned from good mood to bad mood. also, i fucking wasted the damn 8 fucking dollars i payed. i even had to fucking take from my savings and i just fucking wasted it. it was stupidof me to leave, but i thought we were gonna be back in time. it would be fine if we missed a couple of scenes, but missing pretty much half of the whole show is fucking gay. i want to watch it again, but i have no money, and i am NOT taking from my fucking savings. i need to fucking stop being a potty mouth. its bad but UGH. saifoaefotiwaueauwe09uasldkfhjslkdjf;lksajdfoisadufoasudflksjdlkfjslkdfjaosi8ulksjflaisudfoicwtlkajsdflasef98q u4toirsglksdhfvglkhd fgsd;ofhsekghsaujskrdghae8rutoaiwefoidfg. I NEED TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


happy love day

psh. who needs a valentine ?

so i just realized i haven't posted a blog in a while.
february 12, was when choir went to disneyland ! i haven't been there in a loooooooooong time and i miss it !
well anyways, i had a lot of fun. my group was desiree, jenna, jerald, kristen, and nicole. just thinking about that night made me crave some churros and clam chowder bread bowl, gaaaaaaaaaaash.i just want to go back to that night. even for that one 5-minute moment that made me MORE happy. so now that disneyland is over, next up is our choir concert on the 27th ! come watch us. after that, womens ensemble has a festival at san diego ;D on march 20th. then on marth 25-31 is our tour to new york ! i heard we were gonna go on a little cruise, and it's gonna be FREEZING. just thinking about it gave me goosebumps and cold fingers. im really excited, even though i have a fear or planes. idk why, but i hated it when it was windy and the plane was shaking. ugh. SO after new york is.. sadies (: i have so much things to save up for. but im for sure saving up for this dance. i'm sorta excited, but at the same time nervous, scared, worried. blah. idk, there are moments when i just doubt myself. i think i know for sure who to ask, but i just don't know sometimes. this is what i hate about being a girl, damn.

happy valentines day...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

last day of january

school is starting to get better now, although i'm disappointed i have a C in chemistry -___-
thanks to our original teacher. those subs were better... except grandpa kreichbaum. haha.
i wish i was lucky enough to find a 4-leaf clover. i've been searching for one. but hopefully that day will come.
i don't know why, but i've been feeling really different lately. i don't know if it's my period or not. i doubt it though, haha. just thinking about alot of stuffs lately. there's just something bugging me and i just can't get what it is.
maybe i have an idea, but i don't know. hopefully i'll find out soon.

EGH. i'm so curious about my grades. i have no idea what i have for english, but im so fucking happy i'm out of myer's hell class. damn. then chemistry.. stupid teacher. i HAD a B when she wasn't here. now that she's back, i have a C, thaaaanks. choir, i hope i have an A. haha. which reminds me, i gotta memorize all my music tonight or tomorrow. disneyland soon. then festival at san diego, then NEW YORK (: sign language is an A. nothing to talk about in this class.. haha. asl show in march, come watch me (: algebra twooo, i'm happy with my grade ! yes, i actually have a B in math. haha. and i'm starting to like math now. unbelievable huh ? lastly, us history.. or what i like to call USH. easy A. i've had cool history teachers. donovan last year, hancock this year. i miss donovan alot though, he was my favorite teacher. i think i had the second highest grade in that class, first was charlsea (: hahah.

so i'm just curious about my english grade. i hope it's at least a B, damn. but an A is better. haha. i know i failed his stupid literature midterm final cause it was so damn hard. i'm trying to lessen my potty-mouth habit cause i noticed i've been cussin alot lately, and for me, that's not good. that's not even me.

so my mission for now : POTTY-TRAIN MY BABY SISTER.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

up and down

this week had been SOO hectic for me.
i had to take care of so much things, especially my request for a new teacher.
i swear, ayala's front office is full of bitches and hoes that need some attitude adjustment and nicer haircuts.
bitches can't stop students from petitioning for a new damn teacher.
i'll do everything i can just to get out of one of my classes, shit.

so yesterday was pretty much one of the best fridays i've had this year.
first period, we had a socratic seminar and a review of three stories. i got called on to summarize moby dick, and i did okay. i'm glad i read the story cause i didn't read the other two. hhahaahhh. then i talked for a little tiny bit on the socratic seminar, but hey, it's better than nothing.
second period, all we did was notes and review. i like chemistry alot, but the teacher is just ugh. nuff said.
third period, we worked on our required golden state song, tota pulchra es. we sound pretty good and waaay better compared to madrigal feaste. ew.
fourth period, was game day. we played some new board game that took us 15 minutes just to read and understand the instructions. it was fun.
fifth period, we just did a review, and the teacher assigned us our first group project. hahahhh.
sixth period, was the usual... boring but interesting. arguing, discussing, sleeping, laughing, and alot more.
after school, me and aileen and derek went to the shoppes, thanks to chloe for giving us a ride (:
so we ate at chipotle cause we've been craving it for a loooooong ass time. then we went to forever XXI and aileen went shopping for herself and her cousin's birthday. then we decided to walk around, and we met up with jeff jeff and gerry. they invited us to go to forever XXI with them so we can help pick out clothes for jeffjeff. haha. while he was shopping and looking around, me, aileen and gerry kept sneaking a bra in jeff's binder. funny. thennn we walked around, went to the fountain, went to b&bw to wash my hands HAHAH, went to victoria's secret to put on some pure seduction, then went to barnes and nobles. aaaaaaaaaaand we just hung out till 7. then aileen takes me home, thank you aileen, and i do nothing... -___-. then jon picks me up and we went to alexis's house cause she was inviting us for dinner. then alan comes, and we aaaaaaaaate chocolate. thennnnnnnnn played mad gab and got bored of it. hahah. so we decided to play candy land. i figured out how much i suck at that game, damn gingerbread man. so i fell asleep on the floor till it was near midnight when jon took me home, thank you jon. so far friday was goood.

unfortunately, today was gay.
i'm getting so sick and tired of my lola (grandma) complaining how i'm always out, and i always have group projects and study groups. WHAT CAN I FUCKING DO ?! i'm trying to get good grades, that's why i'm always at barnes and nobles at the shoppes, and NO i never get tired of that fucking place !
goddammit she makes me so fucking mad when she does that.
and this morning while i was eating breakfast with my mom and dad, she goes on and mentions how i was at the shoppes till seven. WHAT THE FUCK man. i need freedom. i'm already sad that i can't drive and i don't have my license, and i don't have money. she's making everything worse. makes me so fucking depressed how my grandma is pretty much a tattle tale, that sometimes, i don't even know if i should tell her my secrets anymore. i'm so fucking disappointed and angry at her. i'm just gonna stay in my room the whole day today, and focus on my schoolwork. fuck.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

first post of 2009 ?

wow, i just realized i haven't posted anything since the new years.
now i am, and i'm gonna write about my previous days/week of school.

coming back from winter vacation, which was only two weeks, school felt slooooowwwww. the semester is ending in two weeks, so that means teachers would be ready to pile loads of work on us. i still gotta memorize the rest of my soliloquy AND find the hamlet dvd so i can learn how to sing it. IF i sing it, i'll get extra credit. and i NEED extra credit in my english class, damn. im starting to like math more than english now. i get really nervous in the class and i feel like throwing up. i don't like public speaking. im not that kind of person. im not comfortable enough to argue on those debates. or those stupid socratic seminar. or the graded discussions. it's fucking bullshit. I HATE ENGLISH MORE THAN MATH now. thanks to my junior year, especially my damn teacher.
chemistry is going fine. i have a B, and that's pretty good. especially being in an honors class. so im glad. but the thing is that our original teacher is back, after being gone almost the whole semester and having 8 subs. she's pretty boring. that class used to be fun, especially when ms. haynes came. but now that stevens is back, it's alllllll quiet and boring. when i look around the class, everyone is just staring at her, with no expression at all. some are talking, but the fun is between those people, not with the teacher -___-.
choir is going great. we're finally starting to sound great on tota pulchra es, meaning we'll sweep those other choirs off of the stage in golden state ;D we're receiving more song pieces now because there's alot ahead of us. there's disneyland, new york, and alot more concerts. i'm happy because roddy decided to pick two songs from the philippines. pretty hard and catchy, but i like it.
sign language. my teacher just told me that our song, letters from war, which i signed with alyssa and vivian, is gonna be in the asl variety show. i'm kinda happy because that means we did good in our song. i checked gradealert and it said i got 100%. woo.
algebra twooo, is going okay. i'm understanding it. like what i said about english, im starting to like math more than english. my math teacher is weird, but the class is funny. all they do is make fun of the teacher and the teacher gets uncomfortable and paranoid. hahaha. the best part about that class is i get to spend it with brandon ho. together we fail, or pass. we always fool around, and at the same time help each other out. i'm glad we're in the same class. without him, i'd die in math.
us history, as usual, we never do anything in this class. we've never talked about the book. i guess we just have to study and teach ourselves. all we do is talk about random stuffs and it'll just keep going and going untill the class ends. i guess that's fine. i'm doing pretty good in this class too. i think i have an A, so woo.

2009 is going by okay ish so far.
i'll see.
expect the unexpected...