Wednesday, September 17, 2008


school is pretty much taking over my days.
i barely have time to have fun.
junior year is like hell, but hey, we have this year and one more to go.
and we're out of highschool.

im sitting here, and all my book are on the desk.
they're staring at me. algebra 2, chemistry, english.
i have a couple of homework for today.
i'll start off with my algebra 2 homework.
then i'll go and read the short stories assigned to us by my english teacher.
i have to know exactly what happens in the story, cause he picks out people randomly
and ask them to either summarize the story, or ask them questions about it.
then i'll move on to starting on my flow chart for chemistry
cause it says we have a lab tomorrow.

i swear, teachers this year are no help.
they don't tell us when they post any new assignments online or what not.
they don't teach us well, and then they give us tests.
they give us a study guide to "help" us with the test, but none of those questions on the study guide are on the tests.

isn't that just wonderful ?
my goal this year is to TRY my best to get straight As.
i doubt that'll happen, so maybe As and Bs.
i didn't really take school seriously my freshman and sophomore year.
now that school just started, it's time for me to start off fresh and clean.
ill listen to the teacher, and do my homework without procrastinating.
but im pretty much procrastinating right now, haha.

so we had an algebra 2 test last week, and i thought i did good.
but nooo, she gave me a 69%.. which is what.. a D+ ?!?!?!
thank goodness she's letting people who got below 70 to re-take the test.

school would be easy if the teachers were good teachers.
this is pretty much the biggest issue i've whined about.
school, school, school. especially this year with my "english CP" teacher.
CP means college prep, not AP !
we have MORE work than the AP classes, is he nuts ?
i guess he is.

he should just switch the class name to english 11 AP.
or hell class.


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