Monday, September 15, 2008


i had a blog before this one, but i forgot my password.
i never really used it over the summer, that's why.

i finished all my homework.
now all that is left for me to do is to study.

my chemistry book is sitting right in front of me.
open, but the page remain the same.
that's because i'm procrastinating, and it's bad.

i met my chemistry teacher the first three days of school.
stevens, for honors.. yes, she's a new teacher.
she told us she was gonna have a surgery that week.
so she looked for a sub.

so right now, we haven't learned anything.
we had to do work by ourselves.
stevens assigned us questions to do on the book.
our current sub right now, hasn't taught us anything that is in the book.
and that actually made sense to us.

he's funny and i like how he can't hear you much
and when he's doing roll call, he mispronounces almost all our names.
"ra fee ye lee re du bee yo ?"

hahah funny old man.
i like my class though. actually, i love it.
i have desiree perez, jenna custodio, and regina reyes in my table.
this will be one great year. one great, busy busy year.

so right now, im "about" to stop my procrastination
and focus on the book, not the computer screen.

chemistry chemistry chemistry.
i love science.
but it's better when your real teacher is there to teach you right.

wish me luck and hope i get an A !

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