Thursday, September 25, 2008

so many things

so many things i can't wait for.

i can't wait for all the choirs to rehearse together.
i can't wait for the homecoming game.
i can't wait for the harvest festival.
i can't wait for christmas.
i can't wait for women's ensemble festivals.
i can't wait for the madrigal feaste.
i can't wait to get my gown.
i can't wait to go to new york.

and there's alot more.

so many things i want. so many things i crave. so many things i dream for.

i want to drive already.
i crave haru haru bscr roll.
i dream for what all girls dream and drool over, a boy.
i want to be rich.
i want to be able to go places whenever i want.
i crave for joghurt.
i dream to go to a great college.


so i've been sniffling the whole day.
and sneezing every now and then.
idk why but i hate sneezing in public.
if i had those really quiet sneezes, i'd love to sneeze whenever i want.
but nooooo.
my sneeze is like an EXPLOSION. ka-booom.
you'll probably hear it echo.
and you'll feel the earth shake.
that's how my sneeze is.

how nice, how very very nice.

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