Tuesday, September 30, 2008


what the heck is this pain on my left shoulderrrrrr.
more of near the neck side.
it's been aching like there's a knot for the past two days.
and i checked the mirror and it looks bigger than my right one.
ouch ouch ouch.

so im still nervous for english class.
still haven't presented my damn autobiographical powerpoint. but oh well.
that's my english class, we got public speaking -________-
i'd kill to get out of that class. i swearr.

anyways, this week is a busy week.
tomorrow is wednesday, and i have choir rehearsals after school.
then thursday, another rehearsal for womens ensemble. then we sing at the booster's night at 6pm.
then friday, we have practice after school (i think) then we sing at the homecoming football game.

i have an essay due friday.
but i don't wanna go to english class friday cause we're doing a socratic seminar.
and i hate those. UGH.
so idk, i'll seee. i'll seee.

stress stress stress.
i need sleep.
i need rest.

nemo is still alive :D
im planning on getting the whole cast of finding nemo when i get a fish tank.

YAYY. hahaha (:

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